Thursday, June 4, 2009

I'm getting excited!

So, I'm totally getting excited about my new little apartment...because I'm trying not to stress out about the fact that I'm not done packing and supposed to be moving I decided to take a break and list a few of the things I'm excited about!

I'm excited about the new clean apartment smell, unpacking all my stuff and feeling like Christmas cause it's all going in a new place, white walls, making curtains, buying new goodies (even if it's a toilet brush and dish strainer), getting mail with my new address for the first time, walking to my mom's in my jammies, hanging out with Matthew whenever we want to, getting a cute key from Home Depot, taking pictures of the new place all set up to post on my blog, using my dishes again, baking something in my new oven, silence after a long day, sleeping in, eating my own left-overs, not having to share anything!, not having to clean up after a boy, having a pretty bathroom, lighting candles, watching movies all day, rocking out to 80's music, crafting to Pirates of the Caribbean, knowing where everything is because nobody moved it when I left, sheets that smell like me, walking around naked, having people over, having freedom, being single again!

Ok, moving Saturday, will blog when I can since I won't have internet for a while.