Now...I have been bitten. Not by a fowl flying pest nor by a venomous serpent with dripping fangs and slick skin. No, I've been bitten by the crafting bug. I mean, I'm creating again, which is awesome. It's like I've been creatively constipated and just took some Ex-Lax...I know that's gross, but it's the analogy I can best work with. Ideas are flowing from my fingertips faster than I can put them to paper and glue. Just FYI, if you're getting a baby gift from me, it will have crafties in it! I know I can't compare with Jen's pages, but I can't help it. I'm not having babies anytime soon, but that's the majority of what's coming out of me. It's nice though, to sit in the quiet and think...then turn on Pirates and craft til my fingers ache and I can't sit up straight. It's wonderful and totally what I've needed to do for so long. My creations are lost on Mark, so I'm gonna post some photos on here soon...if you see something you like, let me know and I'll make one for you...seriously! I know how hard it is to want to have the time to do something and you just can't find that lever to pause life so you can craft. That's where Aunt Sara comes in!
Next I would like to expound on eBay! It's a horrendously addicting website designed by a ninja to get your money for stuff you could by at Target! I know people look for deals on eBay but when something exceeds the original price that you could have bought it for, don't keep bidding! Seriously, no containers are worth more than 50 dollars, and yet this item is still being bid on!

Did you hear about the woman that got that grilled cheese Virgin Mary tattooed to her boob? Seriously! I saw it on TLC. CrAzY!!
I miss creating! Remember our scrapbooking, pizza, and 'Friends' nights? Those were the days!
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