This beautiful little boy is the nephew of the man I love and the son of the oldest friend I have. His name is Ethan and he is amazing. He's so calm and mellow and every time I see him he's bigger and cuter and more communicative. He started out as this tiny little "worm baby", as his uncle loved to call him. He was red and squirmy and not very fun, but still so cute! Now he has a little personality and loves to smile and laugh. Of course with all the goofy members of his family, who wouldn't laugh? I loved walking in and looking at him and cooing at him and in return, I got a grin with dimples and a coo right back. Being around Ethan is a surreal experience for me. See, his mom and I grew up together. We've been friends forever. I don't ever even remember a time when she wasn't in my life. We were even in the same Kindergarten class. It's a reality check to me when I see her wedding photos and then the first baby came and now this one. It makes me think about when we were little girls and used to play dolls and house. I can vividly remember walking around the house with dolls in strollers with her. Then I see her as a mother and am reminded that although life has blasted past us and carried us in its wake, I am so glad I get to see her through this.

She's an amazing mother, with her hands full, but still she's full of love and kindness and patience. I'm in awe of her sometimes. I can't wait til I get to share this part of my life with her as well.
Also being around her boys makes me think how blessed we are to know where those little spirits come from and why they're here. I look at Ethan and I see heaven sparkle in his eyes. He oozes sweetness and innocence and love. You can't help but to be excited to walk up to him and snuggle his warm little body against yours and then watch him light up and smile, simply because he can. He was so funny this weekend, he kept making faces and scrunching his eyebrows, then because we giggled he did too. It was wonderful and such a sweet moment to get to share with the family.

Oh and the puppy has been named...Monkey. He earns it every day! He climbs on everything and just makes us laugh. He hops and runs everywhere and then snuggles when he's sleepy. He chases toes and his own tale and is terrified of heights. He knows that when he goes outside and goes potty he gets a treat. He waits for it! Right now, he's snuggled up in a towel at my feet. I almost can't remember life without him in it. We love him so much. Everyone asked me this weekend if I still wanted a baby, and of course the answer was yes. I have a greater understanding of the sleep deprivation I will experience, but I can't wait to have a human baby!
Now misc updates...my aunt got to come home this week and is doing well. My little brother is starting baseball and loving it. My dad killed his car and is blessed to be able to drive my aunt's car. My promotion went through and my raise is in the works! I can't wait to know how much money I'll make and my boss said it should be in effect starting next pay cycle! That's such a good thing. With my tax money we're buying a couch and I'm getting a new pair of glasses! I'll put pics up of both when I can. Well, I think that about covers it for now. Have great weeks!
1 comment:
Monkey...I love it! Now you just need to see if you can get a video of him being monkey-like so we can see him!
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