Tuesday, August 25, 2009

5 am wake-up call

Today was one of those days that happens rarely in my life. I got up early (ok, so 10 isn't that early, but for me it is...especially when I didn't have to be to work til 3) and made myself breakfast! I made Monkey breakfast (this is because he refuses to eat his regular dog food, so he gets a canned food/ hard food combo) then we went for a walk. When we got back I cleaned the kitchen, took out all the trash, put away four baskets of laundry, cleaned the bathroom, changed the sheets on my bed, gave Monkey a bath and then got myself ready for work! I felt like a complete rockstar! My neighbor above me is a teacher in another town and therefore gets up at 5 am! No kidding and so not funny! This does, however, motivate me to go to bed earlier...which in turn helps me get up earlier...on the days when I have to open it will be great and on the days I have to close, I'll be productive! I hope to have everything ready to start school in the spring and work on getting this degree done. I have a million crafting ideas and now have to work on getting them out of my head and into reality. I'm trying to keep myself busy so I don't drive myself insane with being lonely, but time will help heal that as well. That's a lot of information in a small space, so I think I'll call it a night. Thanks for reading!

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